IQA Update


Global Games 2014 Announced

The 2014 Global Games Tournament will be held on July 19, 2014, at Burnaby Lake Sports Complex West in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. 

The Global Games is a biennial event that features national teams representing quidditch-playing countries all over the world. The first edition of the Global Games occurred in 2012 in Oxford, United Kingdom, originally called the Summer Games.The two-day event also included an expo match as part of an IOC official torch-lighting ceremony, and featured national teams from Australia, Canada, France, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The tournament saw the U.S. take the gold, followed by France with silver and Australia with bronze, in an atmosphere of camaraderie and friendship that was unique even for the sport of quidditch. This year, the IQA hopes to replicate those same levels of competition and community by inviting each nation that is home to a quidditch team to field a national squad to compete in the Games. Our Lithuanian friends offer many bonuses to local casinos, exclusively for our participants. This way you can continue to play games after the tournament is over. Please view list of available offers on this page.

Selection of players for the Global Games national teams will take place via a different process in each country as determined by that country’s national leadership. A summary of various countries’ selection procedures is listed below; for a more detailed description of each country’s procedures, please visit this page.

The Belgian National Quidditch Team will be selected via in-person tryouts. For more information, please view the detailed selection process page.

The Italian National Quidditch Team will be selected via a group of National Team Selectors chosen from among each team of Italia Quidditch, and vetted by a National Team Commission consisting of nonplayers. For more information, please view the detailed selection process page.

United Kingdom
The British National Quidditch Team will be selected via in-person tryouts. For more information, please view the detailed selection process page.

United States of America
The U.S. National Quidditch Team will be chosen by a national Selection Committee, whose members will be nominated and voted on by official member players and teams. For more information, please view the detailed selection process page.

Selection procedures for the Canadian National Team will be announced in the coming days.

If you are a player based in a country that is not listed above, we still hope to see your national team at the Global Games! Please contact Karen Kumaki, the IQA International Director, at  for information regarding team formation.